Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 27

volume Number : 8
number In Volume : 1
issue Number : 27

volume Number 8، number In Volume 1، ، issue Number 27

The style of KhialiBokharaei in creating ambiguous words name

Mohammad Abbasi(Author in Charge), Mohammad reza Mashhadi

KhialiBokharaei is an ambiguity processor poet of the ninth century. He has fantastic lyrics. Bokharaei has been used of spiritual and modern arrays, beautiful simile and metaphors. This study aims to analyses the Khiali" style in use of a variety of ambiguous words name. This poet artistically by words name of human"s organ, words and mystical terms, words and expression bell, the name of places, the name of person, the name of clans and tribes, religious words, words, phrases and musical instrument, instrument of war, the celestial bodies and etc. has been created ambiguous words name. In the fields of poetry and art, he has attended to previous poets, especially poets of combining groups such as: khajookermani, Salman sajavi, NaserBokharaei, kamalkhujandi and Hafez shirazi. Of course, Hafez" influence on imaginary lyrics of Bokharaei is more prominent than the other poets listed.

Persian poem , stylistics , KhialiBokharaei , ambiguity , word name